Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Old Garden.....

When we lived in "the orange tree house" in Mesa, we started our first garden. As you can see, it's not in a box like my current garden, but we sowed the seeds in rows in fertilized natural and native soil. We have great family memories working in this garden and have enjoyed many bounteous harvests of everything from peas to eggplants.
Swiss Chard

Spinach and Peas

Tomatoes and Thyme
Onions (and spinach behind them)
Italian Flat Leaf Parsley
Sweet Basil
The fruit trees were there when we moved in and we LOVED having them.

Loads of lemons

We had two very large Arizona Sweets Orange trees. We ate and juiced all that we could, then donated the rest to friends, family and the assisted living center down the street.

There was also a beautiful mandarine orange tree in the back next to our vegetable garden. It produced heavily every other year.
Jeff built a fort in the tree for the girls, and they loved to sit up there and eat oranges!

Aloe Vera... always is nice to have on hand.

1 comment:

  1. As soon as I'm done working, I'm gonna plant a garden. Seeing all this green makes me so anxious to get started.
